Sunday, 12 February 2017

A Ten Point Programme for the Islamic World

A Ten Point Programme for the Islamic World

The events and causes of Islamic renaissances stated earlier lead us to the conclusion that the
Muslim society requires, in every age, vigilant, high-reaching, truthful and godly souls who
can heal spirit, create a living awareness of God and bring about the moral regeneration of the
people even in the most trying and adverse circumstances. At a time when Muslim states are
degenerating, the masses are being swept away by materialistic urges and worldly desires,
and a mad race for get-rich-quick has caught the imagination of the people, it becomes all the
more necessary that virtuous and godly people should give the Message of hope to the
despondent, strengthen their Faith in God— His all embracing love as well as His awe—and
make them realise the value of contentment and reliance on God. Such people should reach
others to raise themselves above their petty interests, to disdain wealth and power and to hate
time-serving attitudes that stoop to sell countries and nations for petty personal gain. They
should promote the urge for making sacrifices for the sake of Faith, of laying down one’s life
in the way of God. In this manner, they can usher people groping in the darkness of
hopelessness to the light of God’s Message of hope and Divine succour and cause
degeneration and decaying societies to bring up men who are honest and courageous, able to
shoulder the heaviest responsibility and solve the intricate problems facing the Muslim
society as well as protect Islam and its interests. Such virtuous and God-souled persons
should perform the same function in their own societies as Khwaja Hasan Basri did during
the reign of the Umayyads and al Hafiz Ibn al-Jauzi, Imam Ghazzali and Saiyadna Abdul
Qadir performed during the time of the Abbasids.

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